Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hot and Cold

Seriously, I think my flu is getting worse. Thanks a lot, Became *glares at packet of meds*. It's SO hot today. I really didn't know what to wear today. If I wore my sleeveless shirt, I'd sneeze when a breeze comes in. If I wore something thick, I'd sweat to death. Hypathetically of course. So I ended up wearing my sleeveless shirt + my long-sleeved shirt. So it was twice as hot, I was sweltering, BUT! I felt comfortable. Cept for the fact my nose kept running.

Anyhoo, I feel random today. Anyone feel random? Here's what's currently outside my house.

Yup. The overgrown bougainvillea tree. :D Also known as the trademark of my house whenever you wanna come visit. Haha.

I saw this at the MPH bookstore.

MUSIC THEMED PENCILS! I want em. Like. SRSLY! Maybe I should get one for my music teacher as a farewell present. She's a pencil nut. Hee.

And um... I did this recently.

Meet Ariel. One of my favourite Disney princesses. :D Haha. I'm pretty impressed with the outcome. I did the eyes a little differently I guess...This took like, 3-4-close to 5 days 'cause I was really concentrating on every detail so it'll come out neat and tidy. :D I did the outlines slowly too this time. Wee. Finally something that I think looks nice. Haha.

...though the pic could use more shading though. *slapped*

Anyhoo, hope my random-ness isn't a bother to anyone, and if it is, SORRY! Haha.

Btw, please go HERE and sign the petition so that David will do a full-blown concert in Malaysia soon!



  1. DUDEEEE! SWEET tree you got thr! 8D Kinda like a mushroom! haha

    n ARIEL is just....GORGEOUS. Debz, I TRULY believe you have the chops to make it to Disney Pixar someday :D

  2. Thanks, sweetie. Haha! That tree's SO dang overgrown I tell you. right now there's one branch sticking out into the air so it looks like a beanstalk. Haha. I'll post that portion later.

  3. Trade your JPA with other scholarship. Trust me.

  4. Hi! It's Justine. I visited! Haha. Sorry...this may be a bit late...or too late? :S Anyway, LOVE the picture/drawing/sketch of Ariel which you did! Absolutely FANTASTIC! Really. =)

    And now I know! ICPU in Taylor's! Haha. Sorry I didn't know before this. Maybe we can meet up for lunch one day! Having my semester break at the moment though. :D
