Friday, June 12, 2009

A Prayer for Children

This is going to be a long post. I'm sorry. Haha.

When my little sister was born, I never even thought she was cute nor was I happy. Probably because I was still around 10-11 years old at the time. Or...probably because I still had an ill heart then. I never liked kids at the matter if they were of the same age or younger. I hated if when they cried (I still do, a little bit) and played around and made noise. Bottom line, I wasn't fond of kids.


Two nights ago, I had the most enlightening conversation with a really amazing kid of 6 years old, who sadly just lost his dad to leukimia. Orphaned at a young age, how sad. His mother passed when he was born; and she didn't even get to see her own child.

So here are a few exerpts from the chat. Thank you Rose, for letting me chat with him. Haha.


Jared: Thankyou debra. Can I call you Debra?

Me: Sure, however you like.

Jared: instead of Debz. ok, thanks. miss Hunter is making some soup for me, i am hungry but i am scared to tell her

Me: why are you scared?

Jared: because my aunty scold me last time when i told her i was hungry.

Me: Oh my gosh. That's a wierd thing to be upset about. How did your aunty know about what you said?

Jared: she came to my daddy's house last time, i told her me was hungry, then she scolded me. she told me to cook myself

Debz: oh my gosh

Jared: and daddy said she said toilet words

Debz: well that's very mean of her.

Jared: But she is my aunty. I can't say anything.


Me: oh that's nice. What types of cars do you like?

Jared: i like mustang car

Me: ohh nice

Jared: my daddy told me he sold his mustang car when i was born. but he does not want to tell me why

Me: Oh I see. Never mind, maybe one day you can get a new one.

Jared: miss Hunter says mustangs are alot of money.

Me: Yeah. But nothing is impossible right?

Jared: yes debra. i want be a doctor and get a mustang.


Jared: I learned a lot of things today.

Me: What did you learn about?

Jared: I learned that penicilin is not for little kids like me. Mr Bear told me. Mr Bear is my daddy's doctor.

Me: Oh I see.

Jared: And Miss Hunter taught me how to crack an egg today


Jared: Miss Hunter said that if you're nice to someone they will be nice to you.

Me: Yes that's very true. You musn't get angry at anyone even if the are bad with you.

Jared: Yes. My uncle and aunty always scold me even when I use manners. But I don't get angry at them.

Me: That's very good of you.

I told him about my time before I change; how I was a rebel and a pessimist. And before sincerely adapting optimism and accepting God into my heart and before David Archuleta's influence.

Jared: God is great.

Me: yes he is

Jared: Daddy says anything is possible with Jesus.

Me: Yeah. I also couldn't have done it without another person. He's a singer who has also helped me be a better person. You'll just have to put Miss Hunter's puppies names together.

Jared: David and Archuleta?

Me: Yup. David Archuleta.


Jared: Can I tell you a secret?

Me: Sure.

Jared: When I was sleeping, I was with my daddy and I held his hand. Then I saw a big hand and daddy let go of my hand. He said goodbye to me.

Me: What did the big hand say?

Jared: Trust in me and I will guide you through in me.

Me: Who do you think the big hand is?

Jared: Jesus. But I don't know.

NOTE: Rose told me he was crying in his sleep when we were both chatting before he woke up.

Next few seconds, I told him how I dreamt of my old dog after she died and that she told me that she found a nice home.

Jared: Doggie is in heaven. With Daddy.

Me: Yeah. Maybe your daddy and my doggie will keep each other company in heaven.

Jared: I like that. Thankyou debra. I feel better.


Jared: Can I tell you another secret?

Me: No problem

Jared: Okay, I miss him.

Me: Yeah, I miss my doggie too. But they will never leave us. They want us to be happy.

Jared: Yes debra. I'm sorry.

NOTE: And Rose said he cried again after that. I felt bad, but she said that it helped release it was okay.


So, the sun was already rising, and I haven't gotten my sleep. Said goodbye and goodnight, said a prayer and slept. :) It's really like talking to a mini-David. With all his thank yous and sorrys everywhere. LOL Something like that. In other words, living proof that innosece and sincerity still exists in this world. Haha.

Song of the Day: "A Prayer for Children" by David Archuleta, a capella style. Definately suits the topic, yes?


  1. Aww you made a blog post about it! (DUH) lol. Good for you Debz :) Hope Jared'll get better care under Rose's family's wings.

  2. that's very nice of you deb.

    i'm looking forward to meet the new you. we haven't meet each other for more than 2 years =(
